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Hi, I'm Daryn.

Yoga has been responsible for a complete change in my life. A few years ago I was an entrepreneur with a media business, working all hours of the day at the expense of my physical and mental wellbeing. Nothing was truly satisfying and I was living my life in a state of constant stress. Something needed to change. I found a wonderful yoga teacher in Lagos, Nigeria, where I lived and she slowly opened my eyes to a whole new world.

Yoga gave me the courage to change my life and to truly know the reasons why I was changing it. Soon I found myself letting go of my business, taking the time to work through the inner healing that I needed to do, regaining my physical health and understanding my true calling in life. That led me on the path to becoming a yoga teacher.

Yoga and associated spiritual practices have brought about a profound transformation to my life. I feel truly grateful to be able to provide students with the support they need to make their own personal transformations towards a more peaceful, fulfilled and flowing experience of life.

Daryn in india eating his favorite food


I am a Yoga Alliance (RYT 500) certified teacher who has trained (1,250+ hours) mainly in the lineage of Sri T Krishnamacharya. I started practicing Yoga in 2015 following a back injury and it soon became a part of my life. I found myself being drawn to the ancient wisdom of various yogic texts and experimenting with how this knowledge can be incorporated as part of our modern lives. I found that, if practiced correctly and consistently, Yoga can help to relieve suffering and transform our experiences. In 2018 I began teaching groups and individuals. More recently I’ve trained as a yoga therapist.

Yoga has the power to transform the way we experience life. From a place of stress, pressure and anxiety about how to keep life under control, by following the traditional path of Yoga, we can move to a place where we trust in life and thus it becomes more spacious, intentional and expansive. The teachings of both ancient and modern yogis have provided scientific paths to liberate ourselves from suffering and pain by taking us on a journey of Self discovery. My aim is to teach as traditionally as my knowledge permits in order to bring to light the many aspects of Yoga (beyond postures) to help with students physical, mental and spiritual journeys.


March 2018: 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training @ Himalayan Yoga Bliss in Darjeeling: Focus on Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa

Feb 2019 - Aug 2021: 760 hour Foundation Training @ Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai: Training in the lineage of T Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar: asana, pranayama, meditation, Yoga Sutra study, ayurveda and more

Apr 2022 - Dec 2022: 300 hour Yoga Therapy Foundation @ Svastha Yoga & Ayurveda from Chennai (online). Focus on how to use Yoga to assist individuals to heal. Taught by AG Mohan, Indra Mohan both (T Krishnamacharya’s direct students) and their son Dr Ganesh Mohan.

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A sacred space where authentic yoga is shared and experienced

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